Sewing Mamas Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

How do I include a picture in my posts?

Want to share pictures for a sns (sew and show)but not quite sure how? Read on...

Photobucket is a free photo hosting service.

You can upload your photos and then link to them in forums and other websites. This is a great way to have a single location to host your photos, and save using bandwidth on message boards. Simply register with the site and follow their instructions to add an album.

Once you have uploaded pictures to Photobucket, displaying them here is easy. Below each picture in your Photobucket gallery, you will see three boxes. The first is labeled URL and shows the location of the photo. The second is labeled Tag, the third is labeled IMG. These are the URL but formatted so that they can be displayed within a web page. uses the format in the IMG box. To have your picture show up in your post, you need to copy the text in the IMG box and paste it in your post. For example:

Here's this dress that gave me all sorts of fits. My hems are wonky and the neck is too tight, enjoy!

[ IMG ][ /IMG ]

(I have added spaces before and after the IMG so that it would show up here. Yours won't have spaces and will cause your picture to be embedded in the post.)

Flickr is also a very easy to use free program.

To use this method, you need to provide the web address (URL) of the image itself, not the address of the web page where the image is being displayed.

Here's an example of a correct URL for a photo:

Here's an example of a incorrect URL for a photo. (It points to the web page where the image is displayed, not the image file itself. You'll notice there's no .jpg on the end.)

(Click on both of these links so you can see the difference...)

To get the URL of the actual image file, first find the photo you want to use. Then you should see an 'All sizes' link above the photo. Select the photo size you want from the available options (square, thumbnail, medium, and large or original if you have permission to access these).

If you're looking at one of your own photos, you will see two text fields underneath the photo. The first one contains the URL to the image itself, and the second one contains a snippet of HTML that will produce the photo on your website, with a link back to the photo page here on Flickr. Simply copy and paste the one you're after into your website.

Note: The URL should end in .jpg. If it doesn't, you probably aren't viewing the image on its own.

OR if you're a paid Sponsor of Sewing Mamas, you have access to our Gallery as well as uploading from your computer directly to your post.

Okay, now you try it!

How do I add a clickable picture or text to my sig?

Remove the * and put in your info and you've got yourself a clickable picture [*url=*]*[*img]*[/img]* *[/url] For a clickable text link use: [*url=*]Sewing Mamas*[/url]

Why can't I copy and paste in the text box

Go to usercp -->> Edit Options -->> Miscellaneous Options -->> Message Editor Interface -->> choose "standard editor, extra formatting controls" and you should have all the smilies, but also be able to right click. If you're using the enhanced version your text box isn't really a text box it's an html editor. Your browser doesn't think you can c&p/ But, you can press ctrl+v to paste or set your posts to standard.

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